Streamlining with R

Meghan Hall
July 12, 2022


  • Intro 👋
  • Workshop materials ⬇️
  • Break 🕘
  • By the end of today ✔️
  • Today’s plan 📋

Today’s plan

  1. What is R? How can it ease the burden of repeated reporting?
  2. Basic functions for manipulating data
  3. Using R effectively
  4. More data manipulation
  5. Visualizing data
  6. A peek at advanced topics

What is R?

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What is R?

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R is an open-source (free!) scripting language for working with data

The benefits of R

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My personal Excel nightmare

The magic of R is that it’s reproducible (by someone else or by yourself in six months)

Keeps data separate from code (data preparation steps)

Getting R

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You need the R language

And also the software

Using R

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You use R via packages

…which contain functions

…which are just verbs

Today’s data

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year id rank dept1 dept2
2021-22 1005 Lecturer Chemistry
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1079 Lecturer Music
2021-22 1086 Assistant Professor Music
2021-22 1095 Adjunct Instructor Sociology

Today’s data

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semester course_id faculty_id dept enrollment level
20212202 10605 1772 Physics 7 UG
20212202 10605 1772 Physics 32 GR
20212202 11426 1820 Political Science 8 UG
20212202 12048 1914 English 24 UG
20212202 13269 1095 Sociology 48 UG
20212202 13517 1086 Music 17 UG

Basic data manipulation

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Useful operators

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“save as”

opt + -


“and then”

Cmd + shift + m

Common functions

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filter keeps or discards rows (aka observations)

select keeps or discards columns (aka variables)

arrange sorts data set by certain variable(s)

count tallies data set by certain variable(s)

mutate creates new variables

group_by/summarize aggregates data (pivot tables!)

str_* functions work easily with text

Syntax of a function

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function(data, argument(s))

is the same as

data %>%



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filter keeps or discards rows (aka observations)

the == operator tests for equality

faculty %>% 
  filter(dept1 == "Sociology")
year id rank dept1 dept2
2021-22 1095 Adjunct Instructor Sociology
2021-22 1118 Assistant Professor Sociology
2021-22 1161 Assistant Professor Sociology
2021-22 1191 Professor Sociology
2021-22 1216 Associate Professor Sociology American Studies
2021-22 1273 Assistant Professor Sociology


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the | operator signifies “or”

faculty %>% 
  filter(dept1 == "Sociology" | 
           dept1 == "Physics")
year id rank dept1 dept2
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1095 Adjunct Instructor Sociology
2021-22 1118 Assistant Professor Sociology
2021-22 1161 Assistant Professor Sociology
2021-22 1191 Professor Sociology


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the %in% operator allows for multiple options in a list

faculty %>% 
  filter(dept1 %in% c("Sociology",
year id rank dept1 dept2
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1079 Lecturer Music
2021-22 1086 Assistant Professor Music
2021-22 1095 Adjunct Instructor Sociology
2021-22 1118 Assistant Professor Sociology


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the & operator combines conditions

faculty %>% 
  filter(dept1 %in% c("Sociology",
                      "Music") &
         rank == "Professor")
year id rank dept1 dept2
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1191 Professor Sociology
2021-22 1201 Professor Physics
2021-22 1209 Professor Music
2021-22 1421 Professor Physics Engineering


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select keeps or discards columns (aka variables)

faculty %>% 
  select(id, dept1, rank)
id dept1 rank
1005 Chemistry Lecturer
1022 Physics Professor
1059 Physics Professor
1079 Music Lecturer
1086 Music Assistant Professor
1095 Sociology Adjunct Instructor


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can drop columns with -column

faculty %>% 
year id rank dept1
2021-22 1005 Lecturer Chemistry
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1079 Lecturer Music
2021-22 1086 Assistant Professor Music
2021-22 1095 Adjunct Instructor Sociology


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the pipe %>% chains multiple functions together

faculty %>% 
  select(id, dept1, rank) %>% 
  filter(rank == "Professor")
id dept1 rank
1022 Physics Professor
1059 Physics Professor
1191 Sociology Professor
1201 Physics Professor
1209 Music Professor
1407 English Professor


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arrange sorts data set by certain variable(s)

use desc() to get descending order

courses %>% 
semester course_id faculty_id dept enrollment level
20212201 10511 1005 Chemistry 50 UG
20212201 15934 1421 Physics 50 UG
20192002 13850 1105 Chemistry 50 UG
20181901 17773 1942 Music 50 UG
20212202 13269 1095 Sociology 48 UG
20202101 16202 1816 Political Science 48 UG


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can sort by multiple variables

courses %>% 
  arrange(dept, desc(enrollment))
semester course_id faculty_id dept enrollment level
20212201 10511 1005 Chemistry 50 UG
20192002 13850 1105 Chemistry 50 UG
20202102 13850 1258 Chemistry 39 UG
20202102 16606 1393 Chemistry 38 UG
20202101 16540 1784 Chemistry 38 UG
20181901 10511 1829 Chemistry 36 UG


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count tallies data set by certain variable(s) (very useful for familiarizing yourself with data)

courses %>% 
dept n
Chemistry 16
English 18
Music 17
Physics 19
Political Science 17
Sociology 17


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can use sort = TRUE to order results

courses %>% 
  count(dept, level, sort = TRUE)
dept level n
Chemistry UG 16
English UG 16
Music UG 16
Physics UG 16
Political Science UG 16
Sociology UG 16
Physics GR 3
English GR 2
Music GR 1
Political Science GR 1
Sociology GR 1


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mutate creates new variables (with a single =)

faculty %>% 
  mutate(new = "hello!")
year id rank dept1 dept2 new
2021-22 1005 Lecturer Chemistry hello!
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering hello!
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics hello!
2021-22 1079 Lecturer Music hello!
2021-22 1086 Assistant Professor Music hello!
2021-22 1095 Adjunct Instructor Sociology hello!


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much more useful with a conditional such as ifelse(), which has three arguments:

condition, value if true, value if false

faculty %>% 
  mutate(prof = ifelse(rank == "Professor",
                       1, 0)) %>% 
  select(rank, prof)
rank prof
Lecturer 0
Professor 1
Professor 1
Lecturer 0
Assistant Professor 0
Adjunct Instructor 0


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the ! operator means not identifies null values

faculty %>% 
  mutate(joint = ifelse(!,
                        "joint", NA)) %>% 
  select(dept1, dept2, joint)
dept1 dept2 joint
Physics Engineering joint


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with multiple conditions, case_when() is much easier!

faculty %>% 
  mutate(division = case_when(dept1 %in% c("Sociology","Political Science") ~
                                "Social Sciences",
                              dept1 %in% c("Music","English") ~
                              dept1 %in% c("Chemistry","Physics") ~
                                "Sciences")) %>% 
  select(dept1, division)
dept1 division
Chemistry Sciences
Physics Sciences
Physics Sciences
Music Humanities
Music Humanities
Sociology Social Sciences

Group by / summarize

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group_by/summarize aggregates data (pivot tables!)

group_by() identifies the grouping variable(s) and summarize() specifies the aggregation

courses %>% 
  group_by(dept, semester) %>% 
  summarize(enr = sum(enrollment))
dept semester enr
Chemistry 20181901 59
Chemistry 20181902 44
Chemistry 20192001 47
Chemistry 20192002 68
Chemistry 20202101 69
Chemistry 20202102 77

Group by / summarize

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useful arguments within summarize:

mean, median, sd, min, max, n

courses %>% 
  group_by(dept, semester) %>% 
  summarize(enr = sum(enrollment),
            count = n_distinct(course_id))
dept semester enr courses
Chemistry 20181901 59 2
Chemistry 20181902 44 2
Chemistry 20192001 47 2
Chemistry 20192002 68 2
Chemistry 20202101 69 2
Chemistry 20202102 77 2

Using R effectively

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Working in RStudio

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project files are here

imported data shows up here

code can also
go here

Working in RStudio

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Typing in the console

  • think of it like a post-it: useful for quick notes but disposable

  • actions are saved but code is not

  • one chunk of code is run at a time (Return)

Typing in a code file

  • script files have a .R extension

  • code is saved and sections of any size can be run (Cmd + Return)

  • do ~95% of your typing in a code file instead of the console!

Working with packages

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packages need to be installed on each computer you use

# only need to do this once (per computer)

packages need to be loaded/attached with library() at the beginning of every session

# always put the necessary packages at the top of a code file

can access help files by typing ??tidyverse or ??mutate in the console

Organizing with projects

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highly recommend using projects to stay organized

keeps code files and data files together, allowing for easier file path navigation and better reproducible work habits

File -> New Project

more guidance: here and here

Organizing with projects

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project files are here

imported data shows up here

code can also
go here

Accessing workshop materials

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click big green Code button and select “Download ZIP”, then open neair.Rproj

Accessing data

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use read_csv() to import a csv file

# the file path is this simple if you use projects!
# ?read_csv() in the console will bring up the help file with more options
faculty <- read_csv("faculty.csv")

the readxl package is helpful for Excel files

# needs to be loaded but not installed as it's part of the tidyverse
faculty <- read_excel("faculty.xlsx", sheet = 2)

view the data with View(faculty) or by clicking on the data name in the Environment pane

More data manipulation

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Stringr functions

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functions from stringr (which all start with str_) are useful for working with text data

faculty %>% 
  filter(str_detect(rank, "Professor"))
year id rank dept1 dept2
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1086 Assistant Professor Music
2021-22 1118 Assistant Professor Sociology
2021-22 1158 Assistant Professor Political Science
2021-22 1161 Assistant Professor Sociology

Stringr functions

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cheat sheet of functions is here

courses %>% 
  mutate(year = str_c(str_sub(semester, 1, 4), 
                      str_sub(semester, 5, 6))) %>% 
  select(semester, year) %>% 
semester year
20212202 2021-22
20212201 2021-22
20202102 2020-21
20202101 2020-21
20192002 2019-20
20192001 2019-20
20181902 2018-19
20181901 2018-19

Pivoting data

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existing faculty data has one row per faculty, some with multiple departments (sometimes known as wide data)

year id rank dept1 dept2
2021-22 1005 Lecturer Chemistry
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1079 Lecturer Music
2021-22 1086 Assistant Professor Music
2021-22 1095 Adjunct Instructor Sociology

Pivoting data

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what if you instead want one row per faculty per department? (sometimes known as long data)

year id rank dept_no dept
2021-22 1005 Lecturer dept1 Chemistry
2021-22 1022 Professor dept1 Physics
2021-22 1022 Professor dept2 Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor dept1 Physics
2021-22 1079 Lecturer dept1 Music
2021-22 1086 Assistant Professor dept1 Music

Pivoting data

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the pivot_longer function lengthens data

faculty %>% 
               names_to = "dept_no",
               values_to = "dept",
               values_drop_na = TRUE) %>% 
  select(-year, -rank)
id dept_no dept
1005 dept1 Chemistry
1022 dept1 Physics
1022 dept2 Engineering
1059 dept1 Physics
1079 dept1 Music
1086 dept1 Music

Pivoting data

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and pivot_wider does the opposite!

semester course_id faculty_id dept enrollment level
20212202 10605 1772 Physics 7 UG
20212202 10605 1772 Physics 32 GR

courses %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = "level",
              values_from = "enrollment")
semester course_id faculty_id dept UG GR
20212202 10605 1772 Physics 7 32
20212202 11426 1820 Political Science 8
20212202 12048 1914 English 24
20212202 13269 1095 Sociology 48

Joining data

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R has many useful functions for handling relational data

all you need is at least one key variable that connects data sets

left_join is most common, but there are more

Joining data

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what’s the average UG enrollment per year, per faculty rank?


year id rank dept1 dept2
2021-22 1005 Lecturer Chemistry
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1079 Lecturer Music


semester course_id faculty_id dept enrollment level
20212202 10605 1772 Physics 7 UG
20212202 10605 1772 Physics 32 GR
20212202 11426 1820 Political Science 8 UG
20212202 12048 1914 English 24 UG

faculty$id is the same as courses$faculty_id

Joining data

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what’s the average UG enrollment per year, per faculty rank?

semester course_id faculty_id dept enrollment level
20212202 10605 1772 Physics 7 UG
20212202 10605 1772 Physics 32 GR
20212202 11426 1820 Political Science 8 UG
20212202 12048 1914 English 24 UG
20212202 13269 1095 Sociology 48 UG
  • filter to UG courses only
  • create our year variable again
  • summarize enrollment by year and faculty_id

Joining data

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use the <- operator to create a new data frame courses_UG

courses_UG <- courses %>% 
  filter(level == "UG") %>% 
  mutate(year = str_c(str_sub(semester, 1, 4), 
                      str_sub(semester, 5, 6)))

Joining data

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filter to undergraduate courses only and mutate a new academic year variable

courses_UG <- courses %>% 
  filter(level == "UG") %>% 
  mutate(year = str_c(str_sub(semester, 1, 4), 
                      str_sub(semester, 5, 6)))

Joining data

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group_by year and faculty member; summarize enrollment

courses_UG <- courses %>% 
  filter(level == "UG") %>% 
  mutate(year = str_c(str_sub(semester, 1, 4), 
                      str_sub(semester, 5, 6))) %>% 
  group_by(year, faculty_id) %>% 
  summarize(enr = sum(enrollment))

year faculty_id enr
2018-19 1059 35
2018-19 1086 14
2018-19 1102 37
2018-19 1203 25

Joining data

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what’s the average UG enrollment per year, per faculty rank?


year id rank dept1 dept2
2021-22 1005 Lecturer Chemistry
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1079 Lecturer Music
2021-22 1086 Assistant Professor Music
2021-22 1095 Adjunct Instructor Sociology


year faculty_id enr
2021-22 1005 50
2021-22 1086 17
2021-22 1095 48
2021-22 1128 32
2021-22 1147 32
2021-22 1191 7

Joining data

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fac_enr <- faculty %>% 
  left_join(courses_UG, by = c("id" = "faculty_id",
                               "year" = "year"))




  1. new data frame
  2. data frame you’re adding data to
  3. data frame where the new data is coming from
year id rank dept1 dept2 enr
2021-22 1005 Lecturer Chemistry 50
2021-22 1022 Professor Physics Engineering
2021-22 1059 Professor Physics
2021-22 1079 Lecturer Music
2021-22 1086 Assistant Professor Music 17
2021-22 1095 Adjunct Instructor Sociology 48

Joining data

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what’s the average UG enrollment per year, per faculty rank?

fac_enr <- faculty %>% 
  left_join(courses_UG, by = c("id" = "faculty_id",
                               "year" = "year")) %>% 
  group_by(year, rank) %>% 
  summarize(avg_enr = mean(enr, na.rm = TRUE))

year rank avg_enr
2021-22 Adjunct Instructor 34.66667
2021-22 Assistant Professor 23.60000
2021-22 Associate Professor 17.25000
2021-22 Lecturer 31.83333
2021-22 Professor 32.16667
2021-22 Visiting Researcher

Data visualization

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ggplot2 is the data visualization package that is loaded with the tidyverse

the grammar of graphics maps data to the aesthetic attributes of geometric points

encoding data into visual cues (e.g., length, color, position, size) is how we signify changes and comparisons

Bar chart

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faculty %>%
  count(rank) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = rank, y = n)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

to combine lines into one code chunk, use + instead of %>%

Bar chart

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can create a prettier plot pretty easily

expand for full code
faculty %>%
  count(rank) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(rank, -n), y = n)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#cc0000") +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.1))) +
  geom_text(aes(label = n), vjust = -0.5) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL,
       title = "Count of faculty by rank, 2018-2021") +
  theme_linedraw() +
  theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank())

Line graph

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fac_enr %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = avg_enr, group = rank, color = rank)) +

Line graph

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expand for full code
fac_enr %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = avg_enr, group = rank, color = rank)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_brewer(type = "qual", palette = "Dark2") +
  labs(x = NULL, y = "Average enrollment",
       title = "Average undergraduate enrollment per rank over time") +
  theme_linedraw() +
  theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.background = element_rect(fill = NA),
        legend.key = element_rect(fill = NA),
        legend.position = c(0.85, 0.82))

ggplot2 resources

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from R for Data Science

Data Visualization: a practical introduction

creating custom themes

the ggplot2 book

the R graph gallery

Putting it all together

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with what we’ve done so far, your .R file could:

  • import your data files
  • document all data cleaning and preparation steps and decisions
  • produce a PPT-ready graphic summarizing your results

and that file would make it extremely easy for you or someone else to reproduce this analysis with new data in six months

Advanced topics

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R Markdown

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using RStudio, create .Rmd documents that combine text, code, and graphics

many output formats: html, pdf, Word, slides

exceedingly useful for parameterized reporting: can create an R-based PDF report and generate it automatically for, say, each department

Internal packages

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you can also create your own packages!

your package can hold:

  • common data sets that are used across projects
  • custom ggplot2 themes
  • common functions and calculations (and their definitions!)

can be stored on a shared drive to facilitate collaboration

R Markdown and package resources

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R Markdown

the official R Markdown website

R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

internal packages

a comprehensive theoretical explainer

a talk I gave earlier this year on the topic

Learn more about R


R for Data Science: the ultimate guide

R for Excel users: a very useful workshop

STAT 545: an online book on reproducible data analysis in R

the RStudio Education site

the Learn tidyverse site